Prior to the discovery of this poster, we knew that the JF 48 set contained five cards of baseball players and a number of non-sports cards. We also suspected that, although the card numbers went as high as at least #139, that the set was probably skip numbered, as no card with a number of less than #100 had ever been seen. Now, after viewing this spectacular advertising piece, we know that the set consists of 30 cards numbered 111 to 140. The poster serves as a checklist, with the image used for each card shown, along with the card number and name of the person pictured.
The actual JF 48 cards, while using these images, are not pure cards like the ones shown on the poster, but contain the person's name, card number and the Seiko Gum logo superimposed on the person's image as seen in the poster. Five Japan Hall of Fame baseball players are depicted on the poster and in the card set: Shigeo Nagashima (Rookie), Masaichi Kaneda, Tetsuharu Kawakami, Yoshio Yoshida and Kenjiro Tamiya. Sumo yokozuna Wakanohana is also a part of the set. The remaining 24 cards feature entertainers.
The poster also refers to prize premiums that card purchasers may be lucky enough to win. Since these prizes are mostly geared to summer activities, we would presume that the cards were a spring or summer issue.
This is an advertisement for a very scarce card set.
Size: 10" x 21"
Condition: Minor chipping, fraying and tearing at the edges, Brilliant Color. Overall Ex.