The Japanese Baseball Card Checklist & Price Guide, Vintage Edition 2.1 states that the JBR 48 set has a scarcity factor of R5, indicating that five or fewer copies of each card are known to exist. The JBR 48 set was issued to
commemorate the 1934 U.S. All-Star Tour of Japan, featuring Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig. Both American and Japanese participants are featured in the set. Tamaki Miyawaki, a catcher, first came to prominence with Tottori
Prefectural High School. He participated in the National High School Baseball Championships at Koshien in 1924, 1926 and 1927. He is noted for hitting the first home run of the 1927 tournament. Miyawaki then matriculated at Waseda
University where he was a catcher from 1929 to 1931. As a member of Waseda, he participated in the 1931 U.S. All Star Tour of Japan, memorably striking out against Lefty Grove, and afterwards marveling at Grove's ability. While
scheduled to participate in the 1934 U.S. Tour, he never actually played in it, even though this card was included in this Tour set. Blank Backed.
Size: 1 13/16" x 2 9/16"
Condition: The card received an SGC grade of Authentic rather than a number grade, despite the fact that it measures up and shows no evidence of trimming. JBR 48 cards were originally hand cut with a scissors by the manufacturer, and
there is a bit of a diamond cut along the left edge (common for this issue), which might be responsible for the Authentic grade, as unlike PSA, SGC does not give qualifiers. The card otherwise is in Good condition.