These are the only known examples of an uncatalogued set of Tokyo Big Six University stars. The yellow bordered cards feature (left to right) Yonezawa-Meiji U., Nobuo
Kura-Hosei U., Yukinobu Kusumi-Keio U. and Satoru Kobayashi-Tokyo Imperial U. Kura, a catcher, played for the All Japan team that faced Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, etc. during
the U.S. Major League All Star Tour of Japan. He then toured the U.S. in 1935 with the Dai Nippon Club, later to become the Yomiuri Giants. He went on to play in Japan
Pro Baseball before injuring his shoulder and becoming an umpire. He was drafted into the Japanese military in 1944 and was killed at the battle of Okinawa in 1945. Backs
contain menko numbers and a grid for one to fill out his school schedule. Hand cut from a sheet.
Size: Each card is 1 1/2" x 5 1/4"
Condition: The Kobayashi card has chipping at the left border. All others are Vg/Ex.