This set was issued during the summer of 1977 by Shukan Shonen Jump, a weekly boys magazine, four uncut cards at a time. The set is one of the few pre-1991 Japanese issues that looks similar to an American style baseball card. This lot contains the complete 32
card set in eight uncut sheets of four cards. The set contains cards of five North Americans and nine Japanese HoF members and/or Golden Players. Here's the complete player list: Michio Arito, Kenji Awaguchi, Hal Breeden, Willie Davis, Shozo Doi, Adrian Garrett, Isao Harimoto (3,000
hits/500 HR), Kenichi Kajima, Masayuki Kakefu, Yuji Kasama, Sachio Kinugasa (broke Lou Gehrig's consecutive games streak), Shigeru Kobayashi, Kazumasa Kono, Leron Lee, Jack Lind (teammate of both Hank Aaron and Sadaharu Oh), Makoto Matsubara, Tadashi
Matsumoto, Tsuyoshi Oshita, Katsuo Osugi, Koji Ota, Keiichi Sakai, Isao Shibata, Takamasa Suzuki, Yasujiro Suzuki, Koichi Tabuchi, Shigeru Takada, Tomio Tashiro, Tsutomu Wakamatsu, Takashi Yamaguchi, Koji Yamamoto, Masahiro Yanagida and Kenichi Yazawa.
Size: Each uncut sheet is 10 1/8" x 4 1/2". Each card is approximately 2 7/16" x 3 5/8".
Condition: Most cards would grade Nr/Mt or better if cut from the sheets.
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